Tippy Talk

Communication for all

We partner with TippyTalk Inc. to provide access to this two-way communication tool for non-speaking and speech-impaired people in Ukraine. We adjust the tool for Ukrainian users and subsidize the solution for those who can not afford it

Tippy Talk is a two-way communication tool for non-speaking and speech-impaired people. The tool improves social inclusion and autonomy, opens new educational opportunities, and promotes a barrier-free society. TippyTalkers create a simple sentence by selecting illustrations. This becomes a written message read aloud or sent to a TippyTalker’s private community member, who can respond with video or audio. 


  • Improves social engagements and autonomy of people with communications disorders

  • Improves in-family communication and reduces tensions

  • Promotes social awareness about communication disabilities challenges

  • Opens new educational and learning opportunities

  • We give a voice to those who don't have one


Our achievements as of today:

  • We have localized the TippyTalk for Ukrainian users: 30 users as of today.

  • We have presented TippyTalk to 20 organizations, 60 domain experts, and 13 families with people with communication disorders.

  • We have started 15 pilot projects.

  • We have subsidized the solution for those who can not afford it (tablets and licenses to families in crisis).

  • We constantly analyze the needs of our targeted group and explore existing digital solutions to address those.

  • We have offered continuous technical support for the projects.

  • We have had first users’ feedback and innovative findings.

  • We have 4 experts involved and have received professional feedback.

  • We have identified bottlenecks of the most common mistakes in the domain.


- build a tool promotion plan and start a campaign.

- create a community network and educate volunteers for effective large-scale mentoring of TippyTalk users.

- increase both private and institutional users’ networks.

- build a process for supporting sponsored tool adoption.

- launch a full-scale educational/mentorship program to increase the number of professional TippyTalk ambassadors. To accompany families, and organizations and start building networks.


Well-being through music